Sunday, July 01, 2007

Archangel #122 to be a movie star - but don't worry!

I just got the July newsletter from the Roadrunners Internationale and there's something in there that all the readers of this blog as well as everyone who cares about this aircraft should know about - and it's good news!

Hollywood came calling to the USS Intrepid recently to film some scenes for a new movie involving Will Smith. The movie is called "I Am Legend" and features Will Smith as the last person on Earth. One of the scenes called for Will to hit golf balls off of the wing of an airplane on the Intrepid. They wanted to have Will hit the golf balls off of the wing of Archangel #122.

Intrepid wouldn't go for it!

To quote Eric Boehm from the Intrepid as published in the Roadrunners' newsletter:

This is bound to cause some controversy. There is a new movie staring Will Smith
coming out in December entitled “I am Legend”. Trailers for the movie may be found on already. (See link below) The movie has something to do with the end of society, as we know it and Will Smith is like the last guy alive on earth...or something silly like that. They filmed a lot of it in NYC and did a spot on the Intrepid flight deck. The writers had included a scene where Will Smith’s character is seen hitting golf balls of the wing of an airplane....what else would you do if you were the last guy on earth? Well, you guessed it, they wanted the A-12. We would not allow them to stand on top of any of the aircraft for this purpose, let alone article 122. We declined their request and referred them to the gang at Wright-Patt. They came to an agreement with the Air Force Museum whereby the aircraft could be filmed for the shot and the golf club swinging Will Smith would be added digitally. The trailer that is playing on right now shows this scene! Please let the Roadrunner community know that even though it looks like there is a guy knocking golf balls off the wing, it is just Hollywood magic at its computer enhanced finest.
Youtube link:

To save a bit of time, I'm embedding the trailer here:

Thanks again for clearing this up before it became a cause for concern Eric!

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Bravo, Intrepid! Thanks for updating the A-12 info page!

I'm all for being fair and I want to post good news when I can, especially regarding the USS Intrepid and Article #122.

Those of you who have read this blog before might remember my previous entry about the Intrepid's information page. I have good news - they've updated it and have really good information!

Here's a link to the Intrepid's new page for the A-12:

Thanks again, Intrepid!

Good news - Intrepid and Archangel #122 get TLC

Update from the Road Runners Internationale:

When the ship was moved in to the dry-dock slip last month the aircraft was moved amidships, adjacent to the island superstructure. This was necessary to balance the ship while the water was pumped out and the ship settled onto the blocks in the dry dock slip. The plane is hidden from the Intrepid web-cam which is mounted on the highest point of the ships antennae masts on the island. The camera alternates from two different views, one dead astern and one straight forward. This leaves the entire central 1/3rd of the flight deck obstructed from view. Article 122 is parked there for two reasons. It's the largest and heaviest aircraft on the deck, so the center is the best place for her. Secondly, she is partially shielded from the wind by the island superstructure.
Intrepid was re-floated just 2 days ago after getting her hull completely cleaned , repaired, and repainted. Her propellers were removed in order to avoid any future handling problems. The props caused us to be stuck in the mud in Manhattan which set our timetable back a complete month while we waited to be dug out. The ship was pulled from the dry-dock repair slip the last week of May and has been moved alongside the slip in Bayonne until she is ready to moved to her next temporary home on Staten Island. This will happen next Wednesday, June 6th. While there, the exhibits on the hangar deck will be reworked, more original ships spaces will be refurbished, and several of the aircraft will be repaired and repainted.
Article 122, which was repainted under USAF guidance in October 2005, will also be sporting fresh paint when we reopen to the public in November of 2008.

Eric Boehm, Intrepid Museum